Sunday, January 13, 2019

Fauji Foundation Hospital in Lahore

Fauji Foundation Hospital Lahore, founded in December 2001 as part of the Fauji Foundation, is a military / private 250-bed hospital that extends over an area of 2.6 hectares in Cantonment, Lahore, and Punjab. Pakistan is also affiliated with Shalamar Medical & Dental College as a university hospital.

Provides facilities for field services, emergency situations, OPD consultants, receptions, etc. in medicine, surgery, pediatrics, orthopedics, gynecology / Obs, ENT, neonatal intensive care, critical care facilities, post-operative care facilities, operating rooms, laboratories, radiology (digital radiography, ultrasound and CT) are well established. Guest consultants from all specialities and sub-specialists are available. This hospital offers free services for old military families at very affordable prices for private patients and panel patients. In Short Fauji Foundation Hospital Lahore is one of the best hospitals in Lahore. Every type of patient gets facilitation there. You can also visit fauji foundation hospital through